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New Media

Maintaining a strong bond between you and the public is important to us. We will utilize the power of the Internet to make sure you and your audience is connected at all times. New Media has the ability to start conversations and encourage participation from users. It also allows for user feedback so that your company can be continuously improving. New Media allows for you to create an interactive community among you and your target audience. Our services regarding new media include but are not limited to:

  • Social Media/Content sharing
  • Online Publicity
  • Online Messaging
  • Online Events
  • RSS Distribution/Tracking
  • Community/Discussion Forums
  • Online Broadcasting
  • Blogs

Financial & Investor Relations

By integrating finance and communication, we can create the most effective two-way communication system between you and your stakeholders. This communication will allow you and the financial community surrounding your brand to build a strong, stable relationship. Creating this efficient communication system ensures that your brand will receive fair valuation from everyone who holds a risk in your company. Our services regarding financial and investor relations include but are not limited to:

  • Investor Webcasts
  • Quarterly Meetings/Statements
  • Media Training
  • NYSE Events/Financial Publicity
  • IPO Programs
  • Analyst Events, Research & Positioning
  • Annual Reports & Meetings

Fashion/Lifestyle & Celebrity Endorsements

The reputation of your brand determines its success. To the best of our ability, we will use all of our resources to keep your reputation at its best. One way we can do this is through promotions and endorsements. By those with influence, such as celebrities, public figures, and experts, extolling the virtue of your brand, the quality of your brand can fully be understood and seen by the public. Having a consistent output of content through promotions, endorsements, and advertisements helps your brand to become more recognizable and a household name. Our services regarding fashion/lifestyle and celebrity endorsements include but are not limited to:

  • TV placements
  • Photo shoots for publicity
  • Editorial features
  • Advertorial buys
  • Blog/magazine placements

Events, Sponsorships & Promotions

We cannot stress enough how important it is to build mutually beneficial relationships between your company and the public. Another great way to create this bond is through promotions, sponsorships, and by holding events open to your target audience and stakeholders. This can include anything that encourages your publics and stakeholders to continuously engage and interact with your brand. Our services regarding events, sponsorships and promotions include but are not limited to:

  • Product Placement
  • Entertainment Industry Outreach
  • Celebrity Endorsements
  • VIP Gift Bags/Incentives
  • Award & Trade Shows
  • Event Staging
  • Multi-Program Development
  • Speakers
  • Contests
  • Referrals/Reviews
  • Conferences
  • Street Teams

Media Relations

Strong relationships with media organizations that are trustworthy in the public eye can be a great asset to your strategic communication plan. Having credible media organizations output content concerning your brand will build your credibility and increase the awareness of your brand. Specifically, we can work with you to build personal and strong relationships between your company and journalists from a given media organization. Through these more personal relationships, you can better ensure that your brand will have a greater outreach. Our services regarding media relations include but are not limited to:

  • Press Conferences
  • Interviews
  • Media Tours
  • Journalist profiling
  • Press Events
  • Media Training
  • Audio/Video News Releases
  • Press Kits
  • Fact Sheets
  • Press Releases
  • Publicity Surveys
  • Visibility Analysis
  • Guest Expert

Executive Speaking & Visibility

There is no better way for the public and your stakeholders to understand what your brand stands for than showing and telling them personally. We can help you to organize presentations that will help your audience to have a better grasp on your company’s mission and how you go about your work. Our services regarding executive speaking and visibility include but are limited to:

  • Presentations
  • Sales Meetings
  • Award Nominations
  • Speaker Profiling/Booking
  • Speaker Marketing Materials
  • White Papers
  • Publications
  • Executive Coaching
  • Speech Writing
  • Opinion Pieces

Corporate & Social Responsibility

It is important to us that all of our clients acknowledge their corporate and social responsibilities. We can help your company to implement programs to ensure you are meeting such responsibilities. It is also important that the public sees that you are in fact taking steps to meet your corporate and social responsibilities in order to uphold your positive image and reputation. Our services regarding corporate and social responsibility include but are not limited to:

  • ‘Green’ Programs
  • Program Evolution
  • Messaging Trees
  • Governance Consulting
  • Program Execution
  • Negotiations
  • Volunteers
  • Planning
  • Opportunity Research
  • Philanthropy Counsel
  • Visibility

Risk Management

How a company takes the appropriate steps to be proactive to prevent a crisis and the steps they take after a crisis to be reactive speaks volumes about the company’s accountability and trustworthiness. By helping you to be both proactive and reactive, we can guarantee a full recovery of your company and its reputation after a crisis. Our services regarding risk management include but are not limited to:

  • Situation Assessment
  • Contingency Planning
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Education
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Simulation
  • Practice Drills
  • Regulatory Relations
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Custom Publishing
  • Ethics Training Employee Training

Internal Communications

We have stressed the importance of building relationships outside of your company and creating effective communication systems with the public; however, it is just as important that there are healthy relationships and communication within your company as well. We are here to ensure that your company stays strong from the inside before it can move on to create strong bonds on the outside. Our services regarding internal communications include but are not limited to:

  • Professional Development
  • Training Award Programs
  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Internal Newsletters
  • Contests/Reward Programs
  • Presentations
  • Leadership Change Management
  • Education Programs
  • Events & Rallies
  • Publications Video Conferences
  • Case Studies
  • Intranet Sites & Content
  • Benefits Communications

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